How to Integrate ChatGPT into a Django App to Create an AI Quiz

Azeem Akhtar
7 min readJun 5, 2023


Integrate chatgpt with django? In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements, enabling developers to create intelligent applications. One such application is an AI-powered quiz app, where users can engage in interactive quizzes with an AI chatbot. In this article, we will explore how to integrate ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, into a Django web application to create an AI quiz app. By following the steps outlined below, you can leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to enhance the quiz experience and provide users with intelligent responses. How to Delete Django App Fully

Step 1: Setting Up the Django Project

To get started, ensure that you have Django installed on your system. Create a new Django project using the django-admin startproject command. Set up the necessary configurations, including the database settings, static files, and URL routing.

Step 2: Designing the Quiz Models

Define the Django models required for your quiz app. This may include models for quizzes, questions, answer choices, and user responses. Create the necessary fields, such as the question text, options, and correct answer, as per your requirements.

How to Design Quiz Models

When designing the quiz models for your Django app, you need to consider the essential components of a quiz, such as quizzes, questions, answer choices, and user responses. Here’s a breakdown of how you can design these models:

Quiz Model:

The Quiz model represents a specific quiz within your application. It may include fields like the quiz title, description, duration, or any other relevant information. You can define this model in your Django app’s file using Django’s Model class.

from django.db import models

class Quiz(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField()
duration = models.PositiveIntegerField()
# Add other fields as per your requirements

Question Model:

The Question model represents an individual question within a quiz. It should have a foreign key relationship with the Quiz model, indicating that a question belongs to a particular quiz. Additionally, you need to define fields for the question text, its type (multiple-choice, true/false, etc.), and any other relevant attributes.

class Question(models.Model):
quiz = models.ForeignKey(Quiz, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
question_type = models.CharField(max_length=20)
# Add other fields as per your requirements

Answer Choice Model:

The AnswerChoice model represents the options available to the user for answering a particular question. It should have a foreign key relationship with the Question model, indicating that an answer choice belongs to a specific question. Additionally, you need to define a field for the answer text and a boolean field to mark it as the correct answer.

class AnswerChoice(models.Model):
question = models.ForeignKey(Question, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
answer_text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
is_correct = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# Add other fields as per your requirements

User Response Model:

The UserResponse model represents a user’s response to a specific question. It should have a foreign key relationship with both the Question model (indicating the answered question) and the User model (representing the user who responded). You may also want to include a field to store the selected answer choice.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class UserResponse(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
question = models.ForeignKey(Question, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
selected_choice = models.ForeignKey(AnswerChoice, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
# Add other fields as per your requirements

These are just basic models to get you started with a quiz app. Depending on your specific needs, you may need to add more fields or models. Once you have defined these models, you can migrate them to create the necessary database tables using Django’s migration commands (python makemigrations and python migrate).

Step 3: Building the Quiz Views and Templates

Create Django views and templates to handle the quiz functionality. Set up views for displaying the quiz questions, receiving user answers, and evaluating responses. Develop templates to render the quiz pages and capture user inputs.

To build the quiz views and templates in your Django app, follow these steps:

Create a new Django view:

In your Django app’s file, create a new view function that handles rendering the quiz page and processing user responses.

from django.shortcuts import render

def quiz(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
# Render the quiz template
return render(request, 'quiz.html')
elif request.method == 'POST':
# Process the user's quiz response
# Retrieve the submitted answer and perform any necessary calculations
# Return the appropriate response or redirect to the next question
pass # Placeholder for processing the response, add your code here

Create a quiz template:

Create a new HTML template file named quiz.html in your app's templates directory. This template will contain the form for displaying the quiz questions and capturing user responses.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<form method="post" action="{% url 'quiz' %}">
{% csrf_token %}
{% for question in questions %}
<p>{{ question.question_text }}</p>
{% for choice in question.answer_choices.all %}
<input type="{{ question.question_type }}" name="question{{ }}" value="{{ }}">
<label for="question{{ }}">{{ choice.answer_text }}</label>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Update the URL routing:

In your app’s file, map the URL pattern for the quiz view by adding the following code:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
# Other URL patterns
path('quiz/', views.quiz, name='quiz'),

Make sure to include the appropriate URL configuration for your project.

Step 4: Integrate ChatGPT into the Quiz App

To integrate ChatGPT into your Django app, you need to connect with the OpenAI API. Sign up for an OpenAI account, obtain your API key, and install the OpenAI Python package using pip install openai. Import the necessary packages in your Django view or helper module.

To integrate ChatGPT into your Django quiz app, follow these steps:

Install the OpenAI Python package:

Ensure that you have the OpenAI Python package installed in your Django project. You can install it using the following command:

pip install openai

Obtain an OpenAI API key:

Sign up for an OpenAI account if you haven’t already, and obtain your API key from the OpenAI dashboard.

Update the Django view:

In your file, import the openai package and set your API key. Then, modify the quiz() view function to include the ChatGPT integration code.

import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY'

def quiz(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
# Render the quiz template
return render(request, 'quiz.html')
elif request.method == 'POST':
user_response = request.POST.get('user_response')

# Call the ChatGPT model
response = openai.Completion.create(

answer = response.choices[0].text.strip()

# Process the user's quiz response and return the appropriate response
# Return the answer to the user or redirect to the next question
return render(request, 'quiz_result.html', {'answer': answer})

Update the quiz template:

Modify the quiz.html template to include an input field for the user's response and display the answer from ChatGPT.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<form method="post" action="{% url 'quiz' %}">
{% csrf_token %}
<label for="user_response">Enter your question:</label>
<input type="text" id="user_response" name="user_response" required>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

{% if answer %}
<h3>AI Answer:</h3>
<p>{{ answer }}</p>
{% endif %}

Create a quiz result template:

Create a new HTML template file named quiz_result.html. This template will be used to display the answer provided by ChatGPT.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Quiz Result</title>
<h1>Quiz Result</h1>
<p>Answer: {{ answer }}</p>

Step 5: Utilizing ChatGPT for Quiz Interactions

With ChatGPT integrated, you can leverage its capabilities to provide intelligent responses during the quiz. Whenever a user submits an answer, pass their input to the ChatGPT model using the OpenAI API. Receive the response from the model and process it accordingly. You can extract information from the response, such as a hint or an explanation, and display it to the user. Additionally, you can customize ChatGPT’s behavior by adjusting the parameters and instructions provided to the API.

Step 6: Handling User Feedback and Improving the Model

Collect user feedback regarding the AI chatbot’s responses. Incorporate mechanisms for users to report incorrect or unsatisfactory answers. Analyze this feedback to refine the ChatGPT model and enhance its performance. OpenAI provides guidelines and best practices for training AI models and handling user feedback, which you can follow to improve the quality of quiz interactions.


Integrating ChatGPT into a Django app to create an AI quiz can greatly enhance the user experience by providing intelligent responses and personalized interactions. By following the steps outlined above, you can leverage the power of AI to develop engaging and dynamic quiz applications. Remember to abide by ethical considerations and continuously improve the AI model based on user feedback. With the combination of Django and ChatGPT, you can create a fascinating quiz app that keeps users engaged and entertained.



Azeem Akhtar
Azeem Akhtar

Written by Azeem Akhtar

Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Django, Artificial Intelligence

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